Ground Preparation for Woodland Creation

Why is it Important?

The right ground preparation on the right soils can improve survival and growth rates along with reducing the need for herbicide. That’s got to be good - improved growth and reduced nasties! The wrong ground preparation done in the wrong way on the wrong site can sink the whole push towards increased planting.

Cumbria Woodlands offers a comprehensive online course for specifiers, regulators, contract managers and contractors wanting to plant trees.

The training course is developed and provided by Cumbria Woodlands and has been funded by the Forestry Commission in association with Roots to Prosperity, RDI and Martin Glynn. The initial support for this work came from the Forestry Commission through the Research and Development Grant under the Forestry Innovation Fund.

6 Online Modules

Six online training modules developed specifically for this course

Online Tutorials

Tutorials delivered by expert forestry professionals

650+ Learners

Over 650 learners enrolled since launch

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