Since Storm Arwen, the Forestry Commission has been working with ConFor, Forest Research, Scottish Forestry and many others to understand the scale and impact of the storm.
There are now two tools available that look very useful. Firstly is a windblow map which has used earth observation data to show the main areas of windblow across the country. It's recommended to be used as a guide only, and the zoom function gives a more accurate picture of the exact locations. It's well worth an explore!
Storm Arwen Windblow Map
The second tool is a citizen science that can be used to verify the provisional data gained from the earth observations. If you follow the link below you can register and provide 'on the ground' evidence to verify the data. It is however vitally important that you "take a safety-first approach to any assessments ensuring you take care not to put yourself into any dangerous situations and recognising the specific hazards associated with windblow."
Citizen Science App to Verify Windblow Map
Other Advice From Forestry Commission Regarding Felling Licences-
"For those of you that are now putting together felling licence applications related to windblow clear-up across an estate, please consider putting all of the areas into a single felling licence application. This will enable us to get through the inevitable peak in felling licence applications more rapidly"
"If you are not sure what you can put together in a single application please contact your local Woodland Officer."