£500 Advice Vouchers for Farmers in Cumbria

Farmers, landowners or land-based businesses can apply for vouchers worth up to £500 towards the cost of advice from a consultant of their choice. This can be used to fund services from Cumbria Woodlands beyond our free Woodland Advisory Service.

The vouchers are being administered by Cumbria Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Cumbrian Local Authorities with funding from the Rural England Prosperity Funding.

You need to complete 3 short forms, which include a short voucher application form, a State Aid declaration (BPS and Stewardship payments are exempt) and a registration form that requires some details such as business turnover and VAT number. You then need a quote from the adviser, sign the forms and send them to the Chamber of Commerce.

For more information go to:

Cumberland - https://cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk/business-support/uk-shared-prosperity-fund/cumberland-uk-spf/business-grants
Westmorland - https://cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk/repf-advice-vouchers

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