Woodland Creation Grants

This is an important part of Cumbria Woodlands work as Cumbria only has 10% forest cover, well below the European average of 38%. Politicians, landowners and land managers are starting to see the environmental benefits of increased tree cover for biodiversity, mitigating flooding and sequestering carbon.

In an ideal world, all woodlands would create themselves through natural colonisation/regeneration. However, this is only possible with a seed source, disturbed soil and an absence of browsers. Even where these conditions are met, people will still like to influence woodland creation, so that the desired species are established, and to speed up the process. Current tree planting grants for native broadleaves in England are now fairly generous, so if you are thinking of establishing a woodland, now is a good time.

Woodland Grants in Cumbria

Below you will find a list of capital grant funding available to support the creation and establishment of woodland in Cumbria. This list is updated and uses the best information we have at the time. If in any doubt email angus@cumbriawoodlands.co.uk for more information.

Countryside Stewardship

It is possible to add trees to an agricultural system in a number of ways using Countryside Stewardship mid-tier higher-tier and capital only grants.

You can claim capital and annual payments for a range of options including creation and management of scrub, hedges and wood pasture.

Detailed information



England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)

The Government's new woodland creation support scheme in England. Open to projects of one hectare and above.

In addition to covering the standard capital costs of tree planting (up to a cap of £10,200 per hectare) and annual maintenance payments of £350 per hectare for 15 years, EWCO also offers 'Additional Contributions' (per hectare) for:

  • Nature Recovery – up to £2,800 per hectare for woodlands that restore nature and species
  • Flood Risk – £500 per hectare for woodlands that help reduce the risk of flooding
  • Water Quality - £400 per hectare for woodlands that will improve water quality
  • Riparian Buffers - £1,600 per hectare for woodlands along riverbanks that improve water habitat
  • Close to settlements – up to £500 per hectare for creating woodlands close to where people live
  • Recreational Access – up to £2,200 per hectare for providing access to woodlands for the public to enjoy

For more information:



Latest government planting scheme to be released in the near future but is potentially more generous than the current Countryside Steward system.

Forestry Commission Woodland Grants and Incentives

Farming In Protected Landscapes (FiPL)

Bespoke funding for up to 100% of capital costs can be applied for if your project is within a National Park or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This funding can cover a wide range of land-based business improvements, including tree planting.

In Cumbria this is available within:

Grants for Resilient Woodlands

The Royal Forestry Society (RFS), Royal Scottish Forestry Society (RSFS), Train Hugger and GreenTheUK have joined forces to help people plant trees that willsurvive and thrive into the future. Creating better, more resilient treescapes for our environment, for people and for the economy. Minimum 500 trees.

Sustainable Farming Incentive

The Sustainable Farming Incentive offers payments for the maintenance of hedgerows and hedgerow trees.

For more information:


Trees For Climate/Community Forests

England’s Community Forests offer one of the most competitive grant schemes for tree planting.

Grant funding is available on suitable land falling within the Cumbria Community Forest area.

The scheme allows for a complete woodland creation package including advice, delivery and funding all in one.

Grants can cover up to 100% of costs and can provide 15 years of maintenance payments.

Community Forest funding is flexible and supports a range of woodland creation schemes including large-scale planting, low-density or mixed habitat schemes, orchards or woodland pasture.

Tree Council Branching Out Fund

This scheme provides grants of between £250 to £2,500 for community groups, schools, small registered charities, and Tree Warden Networks.

For more information:


Woodland Carbon Code & Woodland Carbon Guarantee

The Woodland Carbon Code is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK. It generates carbon units based on independent validation and verification of woodland carbon projects. The scheme is backed by the UK Government, carbon market experts and the forest industry. It is also internationally recognised and endorsed by ICROA (International Carbon Reduction & Offset Alliance) for high standards of sustainable forest and carbon management.

The code offers the opportunity for you to sell your carbon sequestered in your woodland to companies that wish to offset their UK carbon emissions.

Through the Woodland Carbon Guarantee, you also have the option to sell your UK based carbon units directly to the Government. This is done via an auction and can provide a guaranteed price per tonne of carbon every 5/10 years up to 2055/56, therefore, offering a long term income. Woodland still needs to be independently verified and validated through the Woodland Carbon Code. Landowners can sell their carbon units on the open market if the timing is preferable to that offered via the Government scheme.

For more information and prices achieved in previous auctions:


Payments received from such schemes can be used as a top-up to many other support interventions but not all.

Woodland Creation Planning Grant

A great starting point if you’re thinking about creating a woodland of over five hectares.

For more information and to apply:


Woodland Trust support - tree planting grants

Woodland Trust woodland creation officer, Peter Leeson can offer help and advice on any proposed Cumbrian project. Outlined below are a number of ways they can support planting trees.

MOREwoods: Where 500+ trees are planted as mixed woodland on at least half a hectare, the Woodland Trust can help with woodland design, suggest a species mix, supply the trees and protection, and cover up to 75% of costs.

For more information:


Farm support: Funding of up to 100% of costs is available for agroforestry schemes benefiting the business of productive farms.

Subsidised tree packs: for projects under 420 trees

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