Canopy Learning

Online Training For All

Education and training have been at the heart of Cumbria Woodlands for over 30 years. Learning about woodlands gives you the knowledge to know the right questions to ask about your land and allow you to better consider how you want to manage it. In 2021 we launched Canopy Learning to offer the best in online training. We offer a mixture of free and paid-for courses, and we are constantly developing new material for future courses. Find out more about the courses below or head straight to Canopy Learning and get started.

Latest Courses

Woodland Management Planning Course

A new complete free-to-access resource for Woodland Management Planning from start to finish. This comprehensive support provides step-by-step assistance to develop a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan and can be used as a stand-alone resource for any stage of the plan development process. The course includes-

  • Why we create woodland management plans
  • How to develop objectives for the woodland
  • Surveying needs
  • Creating appropriate maps
  • Planning operations
  • The management plan creation and submission process

This course has been developed with The Sylva Foundation and Evolving Forests.

This Integrated Woodland Management Support project has been funded through the Forestry Commission’s Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Fund.

Ground Preparation for Woodland Creation

This course is relevant to anyone involved or interested in tree planting across the UK. This includes contractors, contract managers, land owners, specifiers, regulators, or anyone simply interested in the how and why ground preparation for woodland creation takes place.

The course is self-led and runs 4 times a year-

Full details will be emailed once purchased.

Cost- £50 (£15.00 students) if cost is a barrier to you taking this course please contact us for further information.

This course is eligible for funding from the Forestry Commision- Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund

Forestry for Non-Foresters

This free video series has been created to support the Royal Forestry Society Forestry for Non-Forester's training course. It is particularly relevant for people who own or manage woodlands but have limited woodland and forestry knowledge and landowners wishing to create new woodland.

The series covers five subjects Including:

  • Woodland Creation
  • Silviculture
  • Woodland Regeneration
  • Health and Safety
  • Machinery

This video series has been brought to you by The Royal Forestry Society, Penfolds Forestry and Cumbria Woodlands, with special thanks to Coombes Forestry, the Hampton Estate, Forestry Commission, Forest Research and Natural England.

The Full Library of Courses

Ground Preparation for Woodland Creation

Who is this course for?

The right ground preparation on the right soils can improve survival and growth rates along with reducing the need for herbicide. That’s got to be good - improved growth reduced nasties! The wrong ground preparation done in the wrong way on the wrong site can sink the whole push towards increased planting.

Cumbria Woodlands offers this comprehensive online course for specifiers, regulators, contract managers and contractors wanting to plant trees.

About this course

The course modules comprise:

  • What is ground preparation?
  • Site conditions and tree growth
  • Environmental guidance and legislation
  • Ground preparation techniques
  • Matching ground preparation to the site
  • Case study reflections

The course is self-led and runs 4 times a year (dates are listed above).

Full details will be emailed once purchased.

Cost- £50 (£15.00 students) if cost is a barrier to you taking this course please contact us for further information.

This course is eligible for funding from the Forestry Commision- Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund

This training course is developed and provided by Cumbria Woodlands and has been funded by the Forestry Commission in association with Roots to Prosperity, RDI and Martin Glynn.

The initial support for this work came from the Forestry Commission through the Research and Development Grant under the Forestry Innovation Fund.

Ancient Woodland Restoration for Continuing Professional Development

Who is the course for?

This course is currently free and has been developed to upskill land managers and influencers in following ancient woodland restoration themes

About this course

The course modules comprise:

  • key features and management
  • survey and planning
  • halting further decline
  • maximising ecological integrity
  • management approaches and opportunities

This training course is developed and provided by Cumbria Woodlands in partnership with the Woodland Trust, and has been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund for Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

Ancient Woodland Restoration for Student of Higher Education Institutions

Who are these learning resources for?

These Ancient Woodland Restoration learning resources are open and relevant to those teaching and studying forestry, and related subjects, at Higher Education Institutions. The resources have been developed to supplement existing learning resources and broaden awareness of the value of ancient woodland restoration management techniques

About these resources

These comprehensive learning resources are currently free and comprised of the following:

  • Ancient Woodland Restoration study sites
  • Ancient Woodland Restoration expert conversations
  • Ancient Woodland Restoration Woodland Trust practical guidance introductions

These learning resources are developed and provided by Cumbria Woodlands in partnership with the Woodland Trust, and have been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund for Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

Forestry for Non-Foresters

This free video series has been created to support the Royal Forestry Society Forestry for Non-Forester's training course. It is particularly relevant for people who own or manage woodlands but have limited woodland and forestry knowledge and landowners wishing to create new woodland.

The series covers five subjects Including:

  • Woodland Creation
  • Silviculture
  • Woodland Regeneration
  • Health and Safety
  • Machinery

This video series has been brought to you by The Royal Forestry Society, Penfolds Forestry and Cumbria Woodlands, with special thanks to Coombes Forestry, the Hampton Estate, Forestry Commission, Forest Research and Natural England.

Woods into Management Introductory Course

Who is the course for?

This course has been developed for all those interested in woodland management, whether you are an owner, professional or simply interested in the woodland environment.

Originally run as a five-part live-streamed course on YouTube, this course has been redesigned to work as an online course that can be self-paced and broken down into smaller units.

About this course

The course covers five modules -

  • Management objectives
  • Assessing the condition of a woodland
  • Silviculture
  • Maintaining a healthy woodland
  • Woodland products and services

This course has been produced in partnership with Timber Strategies and Cumbria Woodlands. Thanks to Kath, Jez and Timber Strategies for bringing this course together. This course has been made possible thanks to the Forestry Commission North West Woods into Management Innovation Fund. We also thank the Creative Engagement Group for supporting Timber Strategies in the production of this course.

Woodland Management Planning

A new complete free-to-access resource for Woodland Management Planning from start to finish. This comprehensive support provides step-by-step assistance to develop a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan and can be used as a stand-alone resource for any stage of the plan development process.

This course has been developed with The Sylva Foundation and Evolving Forests.

This Integrated Woodland Management Support project has been funded through the Forestry Commission’s Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Fund.

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