Woods into Management

Woodland Manaagement Training For All

Originally run as a series of live events on Youtube, the Woods into Management course was redesigned for Canopy Learning, allowing the content to be broken down into smaller units. Learners can now progress through the content at their own pace, revisit sections easily and have access to all the resources and reading lists associated with each module.

High-quality production and engaging, knowledgeable and entertaining host bring the course to life and maximise the potential for online learning.

This course has been produced in partnership with Timber Strategies and Cumbria Woodlands. Thanks to Kath, Jez and Timber Strategies for bringing this course together. This course has been made possible thanks to the Forestry Commission North West Woods into Management Innovation Fund. We also thank the Creative Engagement Group for supporting Timber Strategies in the production of this course.

Learner Feedback

"Amazing course and session...great hosts, great footage"

"I have enjoyed the five sessions Jez and Kath worked well as a team (like Phil and Kirsty)"

"I am new to the subject and really enjoyed the sessions"

"Really knowledgeable and engaging presenters"

"excellent well-informed presentation"

"Fantastic course, excellent content and presented in an accessible way for a newbie"

"This is where forestry needs to be going"

Woods into Management Introductory Course

Watch the trailer for our woodland management course

Canopy Learning really is a fantastic online learning platform that gives Cumbria Woodlands the scope to share and engage with a much wider geography and range of audiences and be an integral part of developing foresters of the future. This includes those new to woodland management with the Woods into Management course as well as the more specialist courses aimed at owners and managers.
Neville Elstone (Director)

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